British Invaders 72: Oktober (Part 2)

Oktober was a 1998 medical sci-fi miniseries. It was a “man on the run” thriller that featured lots of European chase sequences. It was also a paranormal drama that dealt with the workings of dreams, life and death….

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 71: Oktober (Part 1)

Oktober was a paranormal conspiracy thriller from 1998. Welcome to the strange world of medical technology where drugs can connect one mind to another and may even change the workings of life and death….

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 70: The Year of the Sex Olympics (Part 2)

The 1968 telefilm The Year of the Sex Olympics was about the future of television. Nigel Kneale’s strange vision of the future may have predicted a television genre that would emerge nearly three decades later….

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 69: The Year of the Sex Olympics (Part 1)

The Year of the Sex Olympics was a 1968 BBC teleplay about the future of television. It featured social commentary about 1960s youth culture and TV. It also had some dystopian elements in the Orwellian tradition….

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 68: Edge of Darkness (Part 2)

We now continue our discussion about Edge of Darkness, the BBC thriller about a detective investigating his daughter’s murder. This 1985 mini-series deals with nuclear power and includes a few speculative fiction aspects.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 67: Edge of Darkness (Part 1)

Edge of Darkness was a 1985 BBC thriller about a detective investigating the murder of his own daughter. It deals with the shadowy corridors of power and the nuclear energy industry. Why are we covering this in a science fiction podcast? Listen and find out!

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 66: Thunderbirds (Part 2)

Thunderbirds was a classic “Supermarionation” series from 1965 and 1966. International Rescue and the five Tracy brothers saved people in danger using the futuristic vehicles called Thunderbirds. This could only be a Gerry Anderson puppet show!

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 65: Thunderbirds (Part 1)

Thunderbirds featured daring rescues by International Rescue, the five Tracy brothers and futuristic vehicles called Thunderbirds! Puppets were the stars of this Supermarionation series by Gerry Anderson. It was an ITV children’s series that first ran in 1965 and 1966.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 64: Bonus Episode

This is another bonus episode! We talk about online video distribution on Blinkbox, MSN, YouTube, YouTube, YouTube and YouTube. We discuss some new DVDs and audio productions that are on the way. We also talk about a mysterious Red Dwarf “tweet” and the various broadcasters in the UK.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 63: Bonus Episode

This is a Bonus Episode with lots of feedback from our listeners!

We mentioned these podcasts: The Scuttercast, Neverwhere on Waiting For The Trade

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 62: Century Falls (Part 2)

This is the conclusion of our discussion of Century Falls, the spooky BBC children’s TV serial from 1993. What secrets hide in the village of Century Falls?

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 61: Century Falls (Part 1)

Century Falls was spooky six part children’s TV serial that aired in 1993. Three teenagers arrive in a strange village where no children have been born in 40 years. What secrets does the village of Century Falls hold? What ominous plans are afoot? It was written by Russell T Davies (who would later bring Doctor Who back to TV).

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 60: Nineteen Eighty-Four (Part 2)

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a classic novel by George Orwell. We now conclude our discussion of the 1954 BBC adaptation. Let’s look at more of the story and some of the extraordinary controversy that followed it.

The video of Nineteen Eighty-Four is available at

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 59: Nineteen Eighty-Four (Part 1)

Nineteen Eighty-Four is Nigel Kneale’s adaptation of the classic novel by George Orwell. Britain has become Airstrip One, society is manipulated and controlled, and Big Brother is Watching….

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 58: M. R. James (Part 2)

M. R. James wrote classic spooky ghost stories. We now conclude our discussion of three television adaptations of stories by M. R. James. Last time, we looked at A Warning to the Curious (1972) and Casting the Runes (1979). Now, we are focusing on Whistle and I’ll Come to You (1968). We also look at some other M. R. James adaptations for television, radio and film.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. What do you think of us covering three short teleplays in one discussion? Should we use it again? You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 57: M. R. James (Part 1)

M. R. James wrote many ghost stories that are still known for being spooky and classic. We now start our discussion of three television plays based on stories by M. R. James. This time, we focus on A Warning to the Curious (1972) and Casting the Runes (1979). Next time, we’ll look at Whistle and I’ll Come to You (1968) and more!

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. What do you think of us covering three short teleplays in one discussion? Should we use it again? You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 56: The Prisoner (Part 2)

In this special extended episode, we conclude our discussion of The Prisoner. This 1967 cult classic featured a village full people with numbers instead of names. The residents cannot leave. Who are the prisoners and who are the warders?

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. What do you think of this longer episode format? Should we use it again? You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 55: The Prisoner (Part 1)

The Prisoner was a 1967 paranoid spy series that featured a village full people without names. It involved mind altering interrogation techniques, strange technology and a roving bubble-like security device. This bizarre series from the mind of Patrick McGoohan is not to be missed!

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 54: The Stone Tape (Part 2)

We now conclude our discussion of The Stone Tape, the BBC’s Christmas ghost story for 1972. It did not have many seasonal elements, but it did blend science and technology with ghost stories. Is there a ghost or simply an echo of the past?

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 53: The Stone Tape (Part 1)

The Stone Tape was a 1972 BBC Christmas ghost story. A group of electronics researchers are trying to find a new recording medium to replace magnetic tape. They discover what could be a strange apparition and examine it scientifically. Is it a ghost, or is it what they are looking for?

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 52: Neverwhere (Part 2)

Neverwhere is a 1996 Neil Gaiman fantasy. Richard Mayhew is drawn into the strange world of London Below and finds that he is cut off from his life in London Above.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 51: Neverwhere (Part 1)

Neverwhere is a 1996 BBC fantasy serial created by Neil Gaiman and Lenny Henry. It takes us through the weird and wonderful hidden world of London Below….

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 50: Artemis 81 (Part 2)

This is the conclusion of our Artemis 81 discussion. Helith and Azrael fight over Magog, Earth and more! We look into more of the complex story and the production.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 49: Artemis 81 (Part 1)

Artemis 81 was a BBC teleplay from 1981. It dealt with two aliens fighting over Earth, humanity, a writer and their mother…. This complex drama dealt with lots of ideas. It also referenced Hitchcock, Scandinavian Impressionist filmmakers (including Ingmar Bergman), organ music and more!

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 48: The Tomorrow People (Part 2)

We now conclude our discussion of The Tomorrow People. A group of teenagers with special powers save the world and venture out into the Galactic Federation! We cover the original 1970s show, the 1990s remake and the fantastic audio version from Big Finish Productions.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 47: The Tomorrow People (Part 1)

The Tomorrow People was about the next step in evolution. A group of teenagers with special powers save the world and take their place in the Galactic Federation. This very popular ITV show ran for eight series from 1973 to 1979.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests, corrections and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 46: Beasts (Part 2)

Nigel Kneale (of Quatermass fame) wrote all six episodes of Beasts. That was a 1976 anthology horror series.

This time, we focus on the final three episodes and a similar 1975 show called Murrain (also written by Nigel Kneale).

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 45: Beasts (Part 1)

Beasts was a 1976 psychological horror series created by Nigel Kneale. Each of the six episodes examined a different situation involving animals….

We examine the first three episodes and more.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 44: A for Andromeda (Part 2)

We now conclude our discussion of A for Andromeda, the 1961 BBC serial written by astronomer Fred Hoyle along with John Elliot. When scientists receive a message from the Andromeda Galaxy, they follow its instructions and build a powerful computer. They run the program that was included in the message, but what will it do? Who is it working for?

We discuss the 1962 sequel The Andromeda Breakthrough, two remakes, the novelizations and more about the original serial….

This discussion includes more spoilers than most episodes of British Invaders.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 43: A for Andromeda (Part 1)

A for Andromeda was a 1961 BBC serial written by astronomer Fred Hoyle along with John Elliot. A message from deep space gives scientists instructions to build a powerful computer. The message includes the program that the computer will run, but what will it do? Who is it working for?

This discussion includes more spoilers than most episodes of British Invaders.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group. The Facebook group features discussions and advance notice of future British Invaders topics.

British Invaders 42: Bonus Promos

This is a brief tour of four British Invaders promo spots that were released in early 2009. Some “Making Of” information for the promos is also included. If you want to play any of them in a podcast of your own, please let us know.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 41: Red Dwarf (Part 2)

We now continue our discussion of Red Dwarf, the BBC SciFi comedy that ran from 1988 to 1999. The last human, Dave Lister, is revived after three million years in stasis. His dead bunkmate, Arnold Rimmer, is revived as a hologram. The humanoid creature that evolved from Lister’s pet cat doesn’t need to be revived at all….

We mentioned the Region 2 DVD releases for each season. These are the ones with all the extra features. The creators of Red Dwarf claim that the fictional expletive smeg has nothing to do with the real word smegma….

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

What are your favourite Red Dwarf moments? What should we have said that we missed? What do you like/dislike about Red Dwarf? If you send us lots of email, we may record a bonus episode full of Red Dwarf feedback.

British Invaders 40: Red Dwarf (Part 1)

Red Dwarf was a BBC SciFi comedy that ran for eight seasons between 1988 and 1999. Revived after three million years, Dave Lister is the last human alive. He is joined by a hologram of his dead roommate (and nemesis), a creature evolved from his cat and a senile computer….

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 39: Bonus Episode 3

We talk about some upcoming sequels and remakes, and about some feedback from our listeners. Feedback from our Listeners! We also cover some upcoming CD and DVD releases and more.

The original episodes of The Prisoner can be viewed online at

A new fan-made animation of a trailer for Doctor Who: The Web of Fear is available at Only audio remains from the original 1968 trailer.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 38: The War Game and Threads (Part 2)

The War Game (1965) was a speculative documentary about the impact of nuclear a attack on ordinary people. Threads (1985) was a science fiction TV film that documented the impact of a nuclear war on a number of different characters. We discuss the controversies associated these programs, and the powerful imagery that they displayed.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 37: The War Game and Threads (Part 1)

The War Game (1965) was a speculative documentary about the impact of nuclear a attack on ordinary people. Its frightening news-like footage made it one of most controversial programs to come out of British Television.

Threads (1985) was a science fiction TV film that documented the impact of a nuclear war on a number of different characters.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 36: Spaced (Part 2)

We now conclude our discussion of Spaced, the 1999-2001 SciFi themed comedy. The lives of several slackers are full of humour and science fiction references.

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

I apologize for the poor sound quality of my voice for the last few minutes of the podcast. –Brian

British Invaders 35: Spaced (Part 1)

Spaced was a comedy that ran for two seasons in 1999 and 2001. It followed several twenty-something slackers through their lives while referencing pop culture and classic SciFi at every turn!

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 34: Children of the Stones (Part 2)

We now continue our discussion of Children of the Stones. It was a 1977 serial about a village surrounded by a mysterious circle of massive stones. Are the stones the real mystery, or is it the villagers?

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.

British Invaders 33: Children of the Stones (Part 1)

Children of the Stones was a 1977 miniseries about a scientist and his son arriving in a village surrounded by a mysterious circle of massive stones. Are the stones the real mystery, or is it the villagers? Join us for a discussion of one of the scariest (and creepiest) children’s TV series ever made!

Please send us your comments, questions, requests and complaints. You can reach us at, and you can find us on the British Invaders Facebook Group.